Docker 08: Debugging and Logging in Docker Containers

Debugging and logging are critical components of software development and operations. When running applications in containers, it is important to have effective methods for debugging and logging to ensure that your applications are functioning correctly and efficiently. In this blog post, we will explore the different ways to debug and log applications running in Docker containers.

Debugging Docker Containers

Debugging containers can be challenging due to the isolated and ephemeral nature of containers. However, there are several strategies that can help you debug containers effectively.

One of the simplest and most effective strategies is to use the docker exec command to run a shell in a running container. For example, the following command runs a shell in the container with ID abc123:

docker exec -it abc123 sh

Once you have a shell in the container, you can run commands and inspect files to help you debug the container.

Another strategy is to use a debugger, such as GDB, to attach to a running container. To use GDB, you first need to install it in the container, and then run the following command:

gdb -ex 'target remote <container_ip>:<container_port>' <binary_name>

Logging Docker Containers

Logging is an important component of monitoring and troubleshooting containers. There are several strategies for logging containers, including using the Docker logging driver, using a logging agent, and using a centralized logging solution.

The Docker logging driver is the simplest and most straightforward logging solution for containers. The Docker logging driver captures logs from the standard output and error streams of containers and writes them to the host’s file system. To use the Docker logging driver, you need to specify the --log-driver and --log-opt options when running the docker run command.

For example, the following command runs a container and writes logs to the host’s file system using the Docker logging driver:

docker run --log-driver=json-file --log-opt max-size=10m --name <container_name> <image_name>

Another logging strategy is to use a logging agent, such as Fluentd or Logstash, to collect and centralize logs from containers. The logging agent runs in a container and collects logs from other containers. To use a logging agent, you need to specify the --log-driver option when running the docker run command and configure the logging agent to collect the logs.

Finally, you can use a centralized logging solution, such as Elasticsearch, to store and analyze logs from containers. To use a centralized logging solution, you need to configure the logging agent to send logs to the centralized logging solution, and then use a tool, such as Kibana, to visualize and analyze the logs.


Debugging and logging are critical components of running applications in containers. With the strategies and tools discussed in this blog post, you can effectively debug and log your Docker containers to ensure that your applications are functioning correctly and efficiently. So go ahead, experiment with the different debugging and logging strategies and tools, and see how you can use them to build powerful and reliable Docker applications!

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